Your At Home Wellness Retreat

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WFH burn out setting in?Don’t worry acclaimed author, aryuveda expert, wellness entrepreneur and all round goddess, Sahara Rose Ketabi, is going to teach you how to bring the spa home.


Don’t you wish you could go on a retreat on a weekly basis… without getting into a plane, making small talk with people, renewing your passport and spending thousands of dollars? Same. Well here is how to create a retreat experience in your own HOME, in 8 simple steps.


You have the option of doing this day retreat solo or grabbing a a few of your friends to join you on a shared experience. Pick a day that you can dedicate to this retreat of your own making… And stick to it as much as you would if you had paid for a retreat.


Here’s what you’ll need: (if friends are coming, have them bring one of each!)

You’ll Need:

* A journal

* Your favorite crystal

* Soy or bee’s wax candles

* Essential oil

* Herbal tea

* Your fave veggie and fruit

* Music

* A wild and free spirit


  1. Ditch the technology. Sounds crazy, but you’re not going to be retreating from anything if you’re IG Living it the whole time. The whole point of a retreat is, well, to retreat. And that means from you too, Siri. On wellness retreats, they are one of the first things to go in favor of real human interactions with others, and primarily with yourself. Take this time to reconnect with your heart, intentions, and desires. Your Insta followers can wait for you on the other side (ps: sharing that you’re taking a day off each week from social media may inspire them to do the same!)


2.Start off with a solo or group meditation outside or as near nature as possible. Grab a blanket and your favorite crystal. Settle into the earth and take a moment to get connected. I offer monthly meditations in my Rose Gold Goddesses community, which you can learn more about here.


3.Journal. Meditating clears your head and opens communication between your mind and heart. Now is the time to write about what you experienced in the meditation. What personal messages or breakthroughs did you receive? Write with wild abandon. If friends are joining, sit in a circle, and share at least one thing you were moved by during the meditation. Use this time to build an authentic connection with yourself and others.


4.Do a gentle yoga session outside or with a view of the outdoors. Go through a couple rounds of sun salutations or moon salutations together. Yoga is beneficial for every Dosha. It’s a beautiful practice for Vatas who should slow things down, for Pitta’s who should experience more ease and restoration, and for Kaphas who should get their bodies moving and flowing.

 5. Enjoy a bowl of plant-based kitchari. Kitchari is the most ancient detox recipe, originating from Ayurveda over 5000 years ago. It is incredibly easy to digest, leaving extra energy for your body to heal. Plus, it’s warm, filling and satisfying so you won’t be left hangry like you would on a juicy cleanse. Get my 3-Day Kitchari Cleanse here.


6.Ecstatic dance! Ecstatic dance is a cathartic form of dance where you play music and let yourself absolutely go CRAZY! No choreography, no rules, no self-judgement. The looser you let yourself go, there more healing it will be! . I love listening to Deya Dova, dj Drez, Human Experience and dance hall music. Check out my ecstatic dance playlist here.

7.Set your intentions. Brew a delicious cup of adaptogenic herbal tea (click here to read my list of recommendations) and light those tea light candles. Take out the journals, sprinkle some essential oils and play soft music .


8. Now the scene is set to write your intentions. Intentions pave the roads we want to traverse. Get clear with yours, but not inflexible, leave room for unexpected twists. After writing your intentions, speak them out loud. This is powerful. If you are with others, share your intentions and offer your support to all who have come. Close with a gratitude circle or meditation. Allow what you are grateful for to come to mind. Write or speak what you are thankful for and take as long as you’d like. 

And there you’ve had your very own personal day retreat—no travel needed!

 Repeat weekly, monthly, or as needed.


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Sahara Rose is the host of the Highest Self Podcast, ranked as the #1 top podcast in the spirituality category on iTunes and best-selling author of Eat Feel Fresh and Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda.


She has been called “a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift” by Deepak Chopra.

She loves to make spiritual + Ayurvedic wisdom fun and relatable so it can serve the needs of today’s people.


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